
Bukit Panjang Primary School

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Bukit Panjang Primary School is located in South Singapore. This school is very close to Government College and is surrounded by lots of attractive settings such as the Sentosa Island, Marine National Park and the soon to be-completed Parcel Research Centre (or the Parco.) The very close proximity of these key locations has helped the school attracts a number of parents who want their kids to be near the people they love and who are also keen on education. The location of the school also makes it easy for parents to commute to the school and for students to get there on their own. The school, however, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Bukit Panjang Primary School Close to Midwood Condo

Bukit Panjang Primary School is one of three primary schools in the vicinity of Government College. All three schools share the same ethos of serving the community through education. This is why many parents send their children here for their primary education and there is little difference between these schools. Midwood Condo is located near to Bukit Panjang Primary School. Please also see the pricing details for more information with regards to the development.

However, this is not the case at Bukit Panjang Primary School. The values promoted by the school are quite different. According to one teacher at the school, those promoting values and education are the minority, whereas the majority are from ethnic Chinese backgrounds. He goes on to say that these Chinese families feel a bit excluded from the whole education scenario at Government College and so they go to this school to get some distance from it. Some students at the school, he claims, have only a rudimentary knowledge about their background. A new condo Midwood Condo is located near to Bukit Panjang Primary School. Please see the location here.

Bukit Panjang Primary School Mission and Values

According to another teacher at the school, however, this is part of the strategy implemented by the school in line with the government’s ‘One Nation’ initiative. This means that all educational policies must conform to the nation’s values. Education is seen as the best way to promote values and this helps build a sense of belonging in a country. This is the very essence of social capital – establishing one’s own social network which, in turn, promotes the spread of those same values.

The parents of the students at Bukit Panjang Primary School are pleased at the kind of education their children receive. They are not, however, overly thrilled about their children’s performance. On the contrary, the teachers at the school take great pride in the work of their teaching staff and especially in the Naira Malay, who are in charge of the school library. Ms Malay’s knowledge about current books and literature and her enthusiasm for her job are clearly visible in her books and her eagerness to share her knowledge with the parents of her charges. Her eagerness to help parents improve their education is shown in the amount of time she devotes to visiting parents at their homes to discuss what is happening in their lives.

Bukit Panjang Primary School at Hillview Avenue

Teachers and parents at Bukit Panjang Primary School are both appreciative of the energetic Naira, who has managed to bring her charges together. Her smile and friendly greeting are infectious and she seems to have a knack for getting things moving. However, despite her enthusiasm, Naira is also sensible and level-headed. She has developed good communication skills since her early years at school where she learnt how to be assertive and how to negotiate.

When asked what she likes best about her job at Bukit Panjang Primary School, Naira answered without hesitation, “My passion for education.” It was clear from her answer that education was a very important part of her life. After all, education is something that should not be given up on easily. And given the challenges that our children are subject to every day, it is even more essential. Education is the key to success in life for any child and this should never be put at risk through the improper handling or the improper motivation of teachers and parents.

Education is a way of enriching a child’s life and this should never be at the cost of the health and safety of children. In other words, if there is a problem in your home, it should never be neglected. If you have children, it is imperative that you have an open line of communication with them so that you can address the problems as they arise. Open communication is always beneficial in any relationship.


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